
New Automated Toilet Facility & Additional Surveillance Approved for Construction from January 2025

5 November 2024

Single-Use Toilet Approved for Construction Early 2025

We consulted with you about the suggested installation of a single-use, automated and secure public toilet facility late last year in Fawk Reserve, Athol Park so we could close up the decommissioned toilet block behind the clubrooms. The project was approved, subject to receiving funding in the 2024/25 budget process in June. Funding was approved through the budget process to construct the new facility this financial year. It will replace the old toilet block at the back of the clubrooms, which will be closed from the outside and converted into a storeroom for the Hawks Football Club.

The new public facility will be located on the western side of the reserve between the clubrooms and the playground and BBQ area. We will engage an artist to design a ‘wrap’ for the facility that adds colour, is aesthetically pleasing and which compliments the reserve.

Additional Security and Surveillance also Approved

We’re also pleased to share that, at the request of the Woodville Ward Councillors, extra funding was secured for additional security measures at the reserve to address local concerns about antisocial behaviour heard during the consultation process. Lighting of the toilet facility and camera surveillance will also be included in the project and will be delivered by end June 2025. This includes surveillance of the outside of the public facility as well as of selected areas in the reserve. We have consulted with SA Police on the strategic location of security cameras, and surveillance will be available to SA Police when required.

Construction Details

The construction of the new public facility at Fawk Reserve will start early January 2025 and take approximately 6-8 weeks to complete, followed by the artwork wrap. Impact to residents, reserve users and visitors will be minimal. There may be minor access restrictions in place around the facility location when works are occurring, but access into and use of the reserve will be maintained throughout the works period.

To Report Issues

Once the public facility is installed and operational, please don't hesitate to contact Council on 8408 1111 if you notice that cleaning or maintenance attention is required for the facility. A regular cleaning schedule will be in place, in addition to the automatic cleaning functions, and we will monitor the facility more often in the first few weeks of operation.

If you need to report any wellbeing concerns illegal behaviour, please call 000 in an emergency or call SAPOL direct for non-urgent assistance on 131 444.