
Consultation Outcomes and Council Report

3 August 2021

We recently consulted with local residents / business owners on traffic safety improvements for Fairford Terrace, West Lakes Shore. During the consultation period we received 57 responses to our survey and 4 written submissions.

We thank everyone for their feedback and are now in the process of compiling all consultation feedback and finalising a report that will be submitted to the Council’s Asset Management Committee meeting on 16 August 2021.

The report will provide the consultation results, the final design for the street and provide recommendations for the Committee to make a final decision on the next phase of the project (finalising detailed design and commencing construction).

The agenda for the meeting (including a report relating to this matter) will be available on Council’s website the afternoon of Thursday 12 August 2021. A hard copy of the report will be made available also at the local Foodland Shopping Centre (Bartley Terrace), for viewing.

The Community Engagement Report will be included as an appendix in the Committee report and also made available in the document library.

The minutes of that meeting will then be confirmed at the following Council meeting which will be Monday 23 August 2021.

Following the Council meeting, we will then communicate the outcome to all residents with an update on the next steps of the project.