
Council Decision

25 May 2023

In 2022 we undertook consultation with the local community on a proposal to install speed cushions along Euston Terrace in Croydon and West Croydon. Following the consultation process, a consultation summary report was submitted as part of the final project report to the Asset Management Committee (AMC) for their consideration.

At its meeting on Monday 20 February 2023, the AMC passed the following resolution regarding the proposal to install speed cushions along Euston Terrace in Croydon/West Croydon:

  1. That Council note the traffic speed and volumes in Euston Terrace are typical of local roads within the Council area.
  2. That Council notes the outcomes of recent community engagement and the traffic control devices consulted on are not installed in Euston Terrace at this time.
  3. That the residents within the engagement catchment area be notified of the Council’s decision.
  4. That savings from this budget be used for a place making project that encourages traffic calming in this area.

A complete copy of the report and minutes relating to the Council’s decision is available on the Council’s website at Agendas and Minutes - Asset Management Committee.

We would like to advise you that speed cushions to calm traffic will not be installed along Euston Terrace at this time.