
Community Consultation Outcomes

1 December 2022

We recently consulted with local residents in Euston Terrace regarding a proposal to install speed cushions along Euston Terrace, Croydon and West Croydon with the intent to seek feedback from residents on whether there is support for the installation of these devices to calm traffic conditions on this stretch of road.

We received 54 submissions from the 125 surveys that were sent to property owners and residents within Euston Terrace. Of those that responded, 67% do not support the proposal and 28% do support the proposal. There were 5% did not indicate their level of support either way.

A detailed Community Engagement Report is available to view.

Given the limited support for the installation of speed cushions, a report will be presented to Council’s Asset Management Committee on 20 February 2023, which will include the consultation outcomes and make a recommendation on the matter. Community feedback forms one component of our decision-making process and other factors are taken into consideration including (but not limited to) technical advice and environmental considerations.

The elected members of the Asset Management Committee will consider the report and decide whether to proceed with the proposal to install rubber speed cushions along Euston Terrace. The report will be available to the public from Thursday 16 February 2023 on our website at

If you would like to speak to the Asset Management Committee, you can request to do so online at If you would like assistance with this process, please call our Governance Team on 8408 1120.

Thank you for your contribution on the proposal.