
Project Update - Construction & Nature Strips

4 March 2024

We consulted with the Henley Beach community in August 2023 on some streetscape improvements to East Terrace between Henley Beach Road and North Street. The project was initiated due to savings from the Military Road and Main Street upgrade, and was to include:

  • Raingardens/ swales, to assist with water ponding
  • Kerb build outs to calm traffic and add greenery
  • Permeable paving in some parking bays
  • Upgraded pedestrian ramps
  • Painted bicycle lanes at intersections; and
  • A roundabout upgrade, with zebra crossings on all approaches.

We had 4 written submissions (via email) and 7 people responded to our online feedback from. Generally, the streetscape improvements were supported, with varied comments about the zebra crossings at the roundabout. The survey feedback online in relation to the zebra crossings was generally balanced, with 3 agreeing, 3 disagreeing and 1 had no opinion.

The community had only a mild interest in the project, demonstrated by very few responses. A community engagement summary is available in the document library, detailing the feedback received.

Project Update

Following consultation, we have been working through the detailed design and received contractor quotes for construction, which exceed the available remaining budget/grant funding.

The intersection of East Terrace and Atkin Street is the largest intersection, and therefore results in the greatest improvement to streetscape, traffic calming and stormwater. The remaining budget and grant funding will allow us to construct the improvements at this intersection, as well as the green bicycle paint at each intersection, rather than a series of smaller kerb build-outs at other intersections which would accommodate turf but not plants. Construction is planned in the coming months.

The roundabout is planned to be reconstructed and landscaped in the 2024/25 financial year and we plan to include new zebra crossings to match the Military Road roundabout, further prioritising pedestrians in this precinct.

When existing assets such as kerb and path become due for renewal over time, we will seek to incorporate the remainder of the streetscape improvements as part of this work, which is more cost-effective than undertaking isolated upgrade work.

For more information about the streetscape works, please contact Sara Morrison on 8408 1271.

Adopting your nature strip

We encourage and support residents to rediscover the joy of gardening in our urban landscape. However, before you start to plant out your nature strip, there are a few things you should consider, and we can help.

To learn more about adopting your nature strip and planting it out visit our dedicated page which includes guidelines on what can be done.

For more information, please chat with Janet Willoughby on 8408 1111.