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Project Background

As the recent upgrade of Military Road and Main Street was delivered with cost savings, we have been able to allocate some of the remaining State Government Open Space Grant funding (approximately $100,000) and matching Council budget towards landscaping improvements on East Terrace.

The East Terrace Streetscape Improvement project proposes to provide additional amenity and improved stormwater outcomes on East Terrace (between North Street and Henley Beach Road). We are also looking to improve road safety, particularly for pedestrians and bicycle riders.

The roundabout at East Terrace/South Street was damaged from works by SA Water in 2021. As a result, they have given funding to fix the roundabout. Rather than repairing the roundabout like-for-like, we proposed to upgrade it.

The proposal for East Terrace (between North Street and Henley Beach Road) includes:

  • Raingardens – these hold stormwater in times of high flow and assist to reduce water ponding on the street.
  • Kerb build outs – these will visually narrow East Terrace and assist to calm traffic, as well as slow drivers turning at intersections (turf has been chosen as the most appropriate for maintenance purposes)
  • Kerb renewal of kerb sections around the Norfolk Island Pine trees to improve stormwater flow
  • Permeable paving in parking bays adjacent intersection (where raingardens or kerb buildouts cannot be installed)
  • Upgraded pedestrian ramps that comply with the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA)
  • Painting the bicycle lane in green at the intersections, to assist with driver visibility of bike riders
  • Roundabout upgrade (East Terrace and South Street), including:
    • Reconstruction with an upgraded design to reduce driver speeds
    • Zebra pedestrian crossings on all approaches with wider ramps
    • Landscaping on the centre island
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Stormwater Management

Stormwater drainage and water ponding in East Terrace has been an ongoing challenge for Council for some years. To assist with water drainage between North Street and Henley Beach Road, we will introduce some landscaped swales to improve amenity and reduce stormwater ponding. We will also replace sections of kerb alongside the Norfolk Island Pine trees.

Road Safety

The community have raised concerns about road safety and high driver speeds. Driver speeds are currently 47km/h (85th percentile speed – the speed at which 85% of drivers are travelling at or below) which warrants intervention with traffic calming only at the time of major asset renewal. Major asset renewal is not part of the scope of this project, however we are including improvements to improve safety for the most vulnerable road users, by improving pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure. The landscaped swales may also assist to calm traffic.

Council has endorsed the 40km/h Are speed limit to be exteneded to include the sections of East Terrace between South Street and Henley Beach Road, and between North Street and Marlborough Street.

Installation of the 40km/h Area is expected to occur in 2023 (subject to State Government approval).

East Terrace Roundabout

The roundabout at East Terrace/South Street was damaged due to SA Water works in 2021/22. We have since been given funding to remediate the roundabout.

The community have also raised concerns over the years about the safety of crossing at this intersection. We will also consult with the community on zebra crossings at all 4 approaches of the roundabout. This matches the roundabout to the west at Military Road and South Street.

Need to get in touch?

Have questions or want to learn more about this project, contact us below:

Contact Information
Name Kath Mardon - Community Engagement Officer
Phone 8408 1270
In writing

By writing to:
PO Box 1