Project Background

The section of Durham Street between Military Road and East Terrace is due for partial kerb and gutter renewal and a preservation treatment to the asphalt seal in the 2021/22 financial year. We are also proposing to plant street trees on the northern side of the street, within the roadway in response to community requests from a petition in 2017 (refer AMC report Item 3.49, 19/06/2017)

Durham Street provides access to residential properties and visitors accessing the popular Henley Beach precinct. With the upcoming Military Road and Main Street Upgrade project, providing renewed road assets and potential street trees, will uplift the street and create better shaded areas in the summer months.

We have selected the tree species that suits the specific growing conditions and site constraints of Durham Street. Given it’s a coastal location, we are limited with choices of species and as such the Coastal Banksia (Banksia integrifolia) has been chosen. (refer information sheet enclosed)

Infill planting on the southern side will be accommodated where required with the Hakea laurina (Pincushion Hakea) due to the narrow width verge and coastal location.

We would like to know your thoughts on the proposal to include trees in your street.

Provide your feedback

To provide your feedback you can complete the online survey.

Consultation closes 9am Monday 30 August 2021

Following consultation, we will provide you with an update and any other changes to the plan.