
Spad Street Reserve CLMP - Consultation Outcomes and Decision Report

24 March 2023

To our Spad Street Reserve CLMP project followers,

We engaged with you from Thursday, 19 January 2023 to Friday, 17 February 2023 on a new, draft Community Land Management Plan (CLMP) for the newly created open space on the corner of Spad Street and Farman Avenue, Albert Park (formerly 15-25 Spad Street, Albert Park). This CLMP would designate this new open space as 'Community Land' and specify the kinds of activities that would be allowed on this land, now and into the future. Specifically, the Plan would allow for the construction of a community reserve to be used for play and recreational activities, rather than as real estate and housing this land was historically used for. The community engagement outcomes, including level of support for the CLMP and all feedback received and considered, are now available for you to review.

You can view the high-level summary of the community engagement outcomes or download the full community engagement report covering both the CLMP and reserve concept plan findings. You can also view and download the Council decision report seeking endorsement of the CLMP and a final reserve concept plan (as informed by community feedback). This report is being presented to Council at its meeting of Monday, 27 March 2023 and is accessible within the Council Agenda.

View the CLMP community engagement outcomes >

View the draft concept plan community engagement outcomes >

Access the Council agenda for the meeting of 27 March 2023 >

Information about addressing the Council at their meeting >