Final Outcomes

A report was presented to the Asset Management Committee on Monday 17 February, 2020 and the following motion was endorsed by Council on Monday 24 February, 2020.


1. That the results of the second round of community engagement on the draft concept designs for dog parks at Semaphore Park Reserve (Appendix A) and Woodville West Reserve (Appendix B) be noted.

2. That the draft concept designs for the new dog parks at Semaphore Park Reserve (Appendix C) and Woodville West Reserve (Appendix D) be endorsed for further detailed design in 2019/20, and construction in 2020/21, subject to funding approval.

3. That the new dog park at Woodville West Reserve be designed for 'less active, passive dogs', with appropriate signage installed to clearly outline these restrictions.

4. That Council considers budget allocations of $450k for Semaphore Park Reserve and $100k for Woodville West Reserve in its 2020/21 budget preparations.

Consultation Result & Report to Asset Management Committee

A report was presented to the Asset Management Committee on Monday 17 February, 2020 and is currently awaiting endorsement by Council at the meeting to be held on Monday 24 February 2020.

The report is available for viewing here.

Proposed Dog Park at Frank Mitchell Park/Woodville West Reserve

Consultation Results

Community consultation was undertaken in August and September 2019 on a proposed new dog park at Frank Mitchell Park/Woodville West Reserve, located on the corner of Todville Street and Henderson Avenue, Woodville West.

A total of 138 responses to the consultation were received, with 117 responses (85% of total responses) indicating support for the proposal. The consultation results, together with a draft concept plan were presented to the Asset Management Committee on 18 November 2019 (Item 3.113) view here where draft concept plans were endorsed for further community consultation.

Consultation for Draft Concept Plans

We are now seeking your feedback on the draft concept plan which you can view here or in the Document Library. Your feedback will assist Council to finalise the concept plan and Council’s consideration of funding in its 2020/21 budget. Key features of draft concept plans are as follows:

  • A fully fenced area, approximately 570m2 in size;
  • Access gates on the northern side of the dog park, connected to existing paths (existing vehicle access gates are not required and will be decommissioned);
  • A single area for small dogs and puppies; and
  • Paths, signage, shelters, seating, a water fountain, lighting, bins, compostable dog bags.

The proposed new dog park is intended for use by small dogs (14 kilograms and under) and puppies only. Puppies under the age of 6 months will not be permitted and signage will be erected to clearly explain these restrictions.

An on-site information session will also be held at Frank Mitchell Park/Woodville West Reserve, on Wednesday 5 February 2020, from 5.00pm – 6.00pm, where you can provide feedback and discuss the concept plans with council staff.


  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Consultation January - February 2020

    Consultation on the draft concept Plan

  • Timeline item 2 - active

    Report to Asset Management Committee

    Consultation outcomes will be reported to the Asset Management Committee on Monday 17 February 2020.

  • Timeline item 3 - incomplete

    Funding Consideration

    Funding will be considered in Council's 2020/21 draft budget preparations

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Name John Wilkinson - Open Space Planner
Phone 08 8408 1203

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Have questions or want to learn more about a project, contact us below:

Contact Information
Name Sue Tripodi
Phone 08 8408 1306