Project Updates

Community Engagement Outcomes Summary

There was a reasonably high degree of local interest in the investigation and consultation on future dog access arrangements to Frank Mitchell Park and Woodville West Reserve. Engagement participation was high, with 219 feedback forms received (excluding feedback received too late), which provide helpful insights into the experiences of different reserve users in this location. The vast majority of respondents were local to the reserve, within walking or close driving distance, or visited the reserve for sporting and recreation activity.

Overall, the majority of consultation participants supported ‘No Change’ to the current dog access arrangements at the reserve/s.

Feedback from respondents in support of ‘change’ to dog access arrangements (Option 1) largely centered around respect for other users of the space, and their right to exercise, train, play and recreate without fear or apprehension of being approached by or jumped on by off lead dogs or of stepping in uncollected dog excrement. It was also acknowledged that some dogs are poorly supervised, not sociable, or are not under effective control. Similarly, this can result in uncollected dog faeces, aggressive or bullish dog behaviour toward other dogs or individuals, or a lack of dog recall resulting in other users experiencing unwanted dog interactions.

Feedback from respondents in support of ‘no change’ to dog access arrangements (Option 2) shared a very strong sense of local community and pride that is centered around this open space in Frank Mitchell Park and Woodville West Reserve, particularly amongst the dog community. There was a resounding sense from respondents that most of the dog community are doing the right thing; cleaning up after their dogs and, at times, even the Club, and that they respect the Club’s need to access the pitch dog free for training and matches and remove themselves from the pitch at these times. It was also apparent that the Club's alleged lack of cooperation and inconsiderate behaviour toward its local community was also a reason that there should no change to the access arrangements of this community space.

Read on for a high-level summary of the consultation results.

Preferred Option Overall

The preferred option was for ‘No Change’ to the current dog access arrangements at Frank Mitchell Park and Woodville West Reserve.

Locals only?

Who we heard from

Graph demonstrating the percentage of respondents from each 'reserve user' type

Preferred options (detailed)

Reserve User Type

No. Respondents
*Note: Can be in more
than 1 group

Option 1

Option 2
[No Change]


FK Beograd Soccer Club





Dog Community





Community Garden Member





Recreational Users





Other Local Sporting Group





Other (Local Resident)










Other suggestions

Respondents made suggestions for Council to consider, recognising the need to support the use of Frank Mitchell Park as a cooperative, shared space, including:

Next Steps

The results of this consultation and a decision report will be presented to Council’s Asset Management Committee on 20 November 2023, Item 4.80.

In this report, staff have recommended "That, based on the results of community engagement, the dog access arrangements at Frank Mitchell Park and Woodville West Reserve are to remain unchanged, as outlined in Appendix 1 ‐ Option 2...".

The Committee will review the outcomes of engagement, in addition to other relevant information about the review of dog access arrangements at Frank Mitchell Park and Woodville West Reserve, when deciding on the matter. Following endorsement of any decision/s by Council, all consultation contributors, specific communities of interest, Your Say Charles Sturt project followers, and the broader consultation catchment area will be informed of the final decision.

Please note that if 'Option 1 (Change)' is endorsed and fencing is required to be installed in the above locations, funding will need to be considered as part of the 2024/25 budget process provision given this project was not forecast in the current financial year. This means any future actions will be subject to funding being approved. If funding is allocated, the project works would likely be undertaken in late 2024, however we will provide the community with confirmation of project funding and an update on construction closer to the time should this option be decided.

Have a question?

Please feel free to contact me:

Contact Information
Name Caitlin Tierney, Community Engagement Officer
Phone +61 8 8408 1132
Image of Council Officer Profile Photo