
Consultation Outcomes & Decision Report

11 April 2024

We consulted with the community in February 2024 on a public request to rename Croydon Avenue Reserve in West Croydon. The proposed name for the reserve was Eileen Harris Reserve because, as detailed in the request, she has been a long-term resident of West Croydon and it was felt that, during this time, she has had a significant impact on her community and is deserving of this recognition.

The consultation results revealed that this sentiment was largely supported by fellow residents, friends, family and the public more broadly, many of whom made commentary about Eileen's kind nature and support of community, and/or who support public recognition of strong women in our society.

A minority of participants in the consultation felt the name should remain the same in preservation of local history or local familiarity, because the proposed name was long, or that an alternative name should be considered that, for example, promotes the Kaurna language.

Read on to view the high-level engagement outcomes, as well as the links to access the full Community Engagement Report, the decision report to be presented to the Asset Management Committee (AMC) on 15 April 2024 (accessible via the AMC meeting agenda from 4pm Thursday, 11 April), and details on how you can make a request to present to the Committee before any decisions are made.

High Level Engagement Findings

More Detail and What's Next?