Project updates

Thanks to everyone who took a few minutes to share feedback on the draft Climate Change Response Plan 2024 - 2030 by 5pm Wednesday, 5 June 2024. Your feedback will help us ensure our Plan is focusing on priority climate response actions that will ensure a long and healthy future for our community.


We have previously heard from our community that they want more action to protect our trees, open spaces, coastline and biodiversity for current and future generations. They also want more action to reduce emissions and adapt to our changing climate.

Additionally, through consultation with community in late 2023 on the development of the Community Plan, it was clear that protecting and managing our climate and environment are high priorities for our community. As the Climate Change Response Plan 2024-2030 sits under the Community Plan, we have taken into consideration community views and ideas.

Climate Change and the City of Charles Sturt

The City of Charles Sturt has been responding to climate change for over two decades. We have various services, programs, strategies and projects that support this, and we have achieved many outcomes to date. In 2019 we declared a Climate Emergency and have been focused on enabling our community to adapt to the changing climate through the regional AdaptWest partnership and plan and focused on reducing our internal corporate greenhouse gas emissions. We also have a number of services and programs which support community to reduce GHG emissions from our recycling and organics kerbside waste service, community gardens and tree and plant programs, to opportunities for our community to increase active and sustainable transport use.

Some of our Climate Actions to date

Draft Climate Change Response Plan Key Outcomes

The draft Climate Change Response Plan 2024-2030 has been developed to focus Council’s ongoing commitment in responding to and managing our climate risks by reducing our impact on the climate and adapting to the changing climate. Click on the arrows to toggle between the three key focus areas of our draft Climate Change Response Plan for a quick overview of what we want to achieve and how we will achieve it.

Key Concepts

Key concepts in the Plan and community survey, explained.

Questions about the draft Strategy?

Please contact:

Contact Information
Name Kelly Mader, Coordinator Recreation, Open Space and Environment
Phone 8408 1111

Questions about this engagement?

Please feel free to reach out to Caitlin about anything related to this community engagement or to share your feedback on the draft plan:

Contact Information
Name Caitlin Tierney, Community Engagement Officer
Phone 8408 1132
In writing

City of Charles Sturt
ATT: OSR&P Consultation
PO Box 1
Woodville, SA 5011