
Emerging Themes now developed

29 November 2023

Thank you for taking part in our Community Plan 2040 project. We have spoken with a wide range of people and groups within our community, and there has been a notable consistency in what we heard. We have identified five (5) common themes:

  • Local Neighbourhoods
  • Valuing Nature
  • Vibrant Places
  • Connecting and Belonging
  • Our Transforming City.

In addition, we heard that three elements should underpin everything that we do:

  • Kaurna/First Nations
  • Storytelling
  • Sustainability.

To read more go to the page titled "Emerging Themes".

Also, if you took part in our Community Plan engagement, we would appreciate you taking a couple of minutes to complete our short evaluation survey by Friday 8 December 2023 about our community consultation process so far. Your feedback helps us to plan future engagements.

Community Vision and Emerging Themes

Community Vision and Emerging Themes