Community Vision endorsed by Council on 27 May 2024

In August 2023 a process commenced to review our Community Plan 2020‐2027 to meet requirements of s122 of the Local Government Act 1999.

Community engagement was undertaken between August 2023 and April 2024, and community feedback received through each stage of consultation has been considered and used to shape the final document.

The Charles Sturt Community Vision 2040 document was endorsed by Council on 27 May 2024.

  • Connecting Themes

    • Local Neighbourhoods.
    • Valuing Nature.
    • Vibrant Places.
    • Connecting and Belonging.
    • Our Transforming City.
  • Flagship Initiatives (priority programs)

    • Tree Canopy Strategy.
    • Community Renewable Energy Program.
    • Central Precinct Your Neighbourhood Plan.
    • Local Centre Revitalisation.
  • Monitoring and Reporting our Progress

    A set of indicators will be used to measure our progress in each of the theme areas and progress towards the Community Vision. We will keep our community connected and updated on our progress.

Project Updates

Updates on the progress of our Community Plan 2040 can be found here.

  • Connect another way

    View the plan, and collect a hardcopy feedback form, at our libraries and community centres.

    Post a submission to Chief Executive Officer, City of Charles Sturt, PO Box 1, Woodville SA 5011, Attention: Melody Churchill.

    Phone Melody Churchill on 8408 1111 if you would like a project team member to contact you to discuss the Community Plan.

More Information - March 2024