How do we currently support our business community?

We run a number of services, programs and activities to support our business community. Refer to the examples below.
  • #shoplocal funding - Customer Experience

    This grant supports local businesses to host creative and innovative customer experiences that attract customers into their business. It seeks to fund events and workshops, storytelling/meet the maker experiences, in-store experiences, tasting events and temporary artwork installations.
    Individual businesses are eligible for up to a maximum of $2,000 plus GST, businesses working collaboratively can receive up to a value of $5,000 plus GST.

  • #shoplocal funding - Facade to Street Funding

    This grant supports local businesses by providing match funding to make changes or improvements to their building façade or implementing temporary or permanent footpath activations that serve to attract new and existing customers into their business. Grants have been used for murals, creative lighting, outdoor dining, greening projects and bike racks.
    Up to $5,000 is available per business on a 50% matched fund basis.

  • Live and Local Program

    Supporting live music venues, creating employment opportunities for local artists and encouraging collaboration between musicians and local businesses to encourage residents and attract new customers to attend live events in local businesses and re-energise public places.

    • Up to $2,000 plus GST is available per applicant for solo, duo or trio performers
    • Up to $4,000 plus GST for bands comprising of 4 musicians or more.
  • Creative Cities - Arts and Cultural Program

    Supporting local Artists and Arts organisations to develop new one off or time limited creative projects that encourage public engagement in the Arts. Up to $5,000 (plus GST) is available per applicant.

    Funding can be used for public art, visual arts, performing arts, moving image, literary arts and interdisciplinary arts.

  • Buy Local Program

    Supporting local businesses to supply goods and services to government through:

    • Running Buy Local events with information on how to supply goods and services to government.
    • Running workshops on how to write successful tenders.
    • Sharing open tenders on our LinkedIn page and in the Western Business Leaders newsletter.
  • Entrepreneurship

    Developing the entrepreneurial capabilities of our residents helping them turn their business concept into a reality through supporting scholarships in two Business SA programs:

    • South Australian Young Entrepreneurs Scheme (SAYES) for young and innovative entrepreneurs aged 18-35 years.
    • The Encore program for South Australians aged 35 and above.