Project Updates
The road surface on Bridgman Road (Findon Road to Hammond Road) in Findon is reaching the end of its useful life and is programmed for a road reconstruction in the 2022/23 financial year.
In the 2012/13 financial year we consulted with the local community on traffic calming options for Bridgman Road. The most preferred option was “Option 1 – Roundabout & Protected Parking Bays”. The Option 1 concept plan was endorsed at the Asset Management Committee in December 2012 (and subsequently by Council in January 2013). It was intended that this design would inform the scope of the future road reconstruction (at that time planned for the 2014/15 financial year) however, the road reconstruction was postponed due to the commencement of a residential subdivision on the large market garden allotment on the southern side of Bridgman Road. This redevelopment is now close to 85% completion and the Bridgman Road rehabilitation has been scheduled to commence in the 2022/23 financial year. The project requires revalidation of the endorsed concept plan with the community, with minor amendments that consider changes to traffic conditions in the street since the 2013 endorsed plan (i.e. new residential allotments on the southern side).
The scope of works for the road rehabilitation will include:
- Full reconstruction of kerbing, road pavement and road surface from Findon Road to Hammond Road.
- Upgrade of kerb ramps and landings to Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) compliance, to ensure the safety of pedestrians.
- Construction of a pattern pave entrance at the Findon Road intersection.
- Minor kerb realignment at the Whimpress Avenue intersection.
- Construction of a landscaped roundabout at the Norman Street intersection.
- Pavement bar treatment at the Hammond Road intersection.
Bridgman Road has also been listed on our Whole Street Planting program. This program looks at the whole street where either no tree exists at present or where the majority of existing trees require replacement. Existing trees will only be removed where:
- The tree is dead, dying, deformed or has a limited life expectancy (relating to health and structure); or
- The tree poses a risk to personal safety, to property or causes a serious traffic visibility problem which cannot be alleviated by pruning; or
- The tree is planted in an unsuitable position or is an inappropriate species for its location.
We recently assessed your street and propose to remove and replace some existing trees and will also plant along the vacant planting spaces as shown on the concept plan enclosed.
We have selected trees that suit the specific growing conditions and site constraints of your street. The final decision will be based on the majority view of all residents within your street who provide their feedback.
We would like to hear your views on the proposed concept plan and tree species. To get involved and have your say you can complete the survey online.
Following the consultation, we will provide an update as to which tree species was most preferred and any other changes to the plan.