
Outcome of Consultation & Project Update

14 June 2022

In January 2022 we wrote to the local community in Findon seeking feedback on proposed road and traffic safety improvements across Bridgman Road, Hammond Road and Norman Street.

Consultation Outcomes

We received 76 responses throughout the consultation. Based on community feedback the proposed concept plan has been supported by the local community.

Road humps

  • 65% of respondents supported or had no opinion with the proposed road humps in Bridgman Road
  • 68% of respondents supported or had no opinion with the proposed road humps in Hammond Road
  • 67% of respondents supported or had no opinion with the proposed road humps in Norman Street
  • 71% of people supported or had no opinion with the Raised intersection at the intersection of Bridgman Road and Norman Street
  • 72% of people supported or had no opinion with the Raised intersection at the intersection of Bridgman Road and Hammond Road

Raised intersections

Some additional feedback through consultation was noted regarding the width of the roadway and adjacent verge in Bridgman Road and whether indented carparking could be incorporated.

Indented carparking is typically used on roads with much higher traffic volumes than Bridgman Road and where the through movement of vehicles needs to be prioritised. The design of Bridgman Road aims to balance the traffic demand and residential amenity and therefore indented parking has only been located at select locations i.e. on the approach to Findon Road, for road safety reasons and to allow some additional parking where it is not currently permitted. Indenting parking along the full length of Bridgman Road would also result in an overall loss of on street parking which has been raised as a concern by some residents.

The main features of the revised plan were as follows:

Bridgman Road
The previously proposed roundabout has been replaced by road humps and raised intersections, as many felt that a roundabout was unlikely to adequately slow traffic. Typical speeds in this street are currently in the low 50s (km/h), which is not considered acceptable in a street with a 40km/h speed limit.

We still propose construction of a pattern pave entrance at the Findon Road intersection (with pavement bars and separated left and right turn lanes on the approach to Findon Road), minor kerb realignment at the Whimpress Avenue intersection and to upgrade kerb ramps to comply with disability access requirements.

In addition to the traffic control devices, Bridgman Road will be fully re-constructed, which includes:

  • Kerb and gutter replacement
  • road and pavement seal
  • upgrade to kerb ramps

In response to some concerns raised through consultation the design width of Bridgman Road will be increased from approximately 7.5m to 8m to provide some additional clearance from parked cars and to assist access and egress from properties.

Hammond Road

Road humps are proposed as traffic speeds in this street have been relatively high for many years and in response to concerns that the existing traffic control devices at both ends and in the centre are inadequate. Typical speeds in this street are in the low 50s.

Norman Street

Road humps are proposed to prevent this street being used as an alternative cut-through route to avoid road humps in Bridgman Road and Hammond Road, but also because typical speeds in this street are in the low 50s.

Bridgman Road/Hammond Road driveway entry
This device will be replaced with a raised intersection.

Bridgman Road Tree Species
The previous consultation also included a proposal to remove and replace some existing trees and plant new trees in the vacant areas of the verge in Bridgman Road. We can advise that the final species selection in response to community feedback is European Hackberry (Celtis australis).

The full community engagement report is now available.

Where to from here
A report is being presented to the 20 June Asset Management Committee Meeting, where the elected members will make a decision. The decision made at this meeting will be considered for resolution by the full Council on Monday 27 June.

If you would like to speak to the Committee or Council at one or both meetings, please visit our website and fill out a Deputation Request. If you would like assistance with this process, please call our Governance Team on 8408 1120.