
Bridgman Road Update

17 June 2021

We recently wrote to residents and business owners in Bridgman Road and adjacent streets seeking feedback on the proposed scope for the reconstruction of Bridgman Road, which included traffic control devices from a plan endorsed by Council after community consultation in 2012/13. The main purpose of our recent consultation was to reconnect with the local community to understand whether the elements of the 2013 concept design were still valid and to understand whether any amendments were required to the design.

The recent feedback was mixed, with 64 people responding; 45% of respondents supporting the design, 17% responding negatively and the remainder providing mixed or neutral feedback. Significantly, about one-third of respondents requested a review of the existing ‘driveway entry’ at the Hammond Road intersection, which many locals feel is confusing and unsafe.

60 people responded to the Whole Street Tree Planting proposal with 23% supporting Pistacia chinensis (Chinese Pistachio), 40% supporting the Celtis australias (European Hackberry) and 37% supporting the Eucalyptus leucoxylon 'Rosea' (Red Flowering Yellow Gum).

In response to this feedback, we intend to collect traffic data in the streets adjoining Bridgman Road and to present alternative traffic management options for Bridgman Road for community comment. These options are likely to include alternative designs for the intersection of Bridgman Road and Hammond Road and possibly traffic controls in adjoining streets such as Hammond Road and Norman Street (should the data warrant their inclusion in the project scope).

We expect to present these alternative options to the community in the next 3 months. Please note that the reconstruction of Bridgman Road is scheduled for 2022/23 (not 2021/22 as advised in the recent brochure), which provides adequate time to explore design options with the community that are best suited to the current and future needs of the area.