About the Bowden Urban Village

The Bowden Urban Village was developed over 13 years ago, following the closure and purchase of the former Clipsal site. The village was designed to create a walkable community with a focus on people, designed to feature safe streets and open spaces, like Bowden Park and Kevin Taylor Park.

Why are we asking for feedback?

On behalf of your local ward councillors for Hindmarsh, we are checking-in with the local community in Bowden and visitors of the precinct, asking what you like and love about the Bowden village and what you feel needs improving.

Your feedback will help us understand if any improvements for the Bowden Village are needed, where we can determine appropriate priorities and budgets for future projects.

You can share your feedback in a number of ways.

  • If you only have a minute take our quick poll
  • Come along to our community drop-in session on Wednesday 4 December 2024, Bowden Park. Drop in anytime between 4pm to 6pm.
  • Drop a pin on our map and share your ideas on things you love, like or need improving and answer a few key questions about your experiences.

Consultation closes 5pm, Monday 16 December 2024

Village Themes

We're inviting feedback on the following themes within Bowden village. Please think about these points when you share feedback on each of these theme areas.
  • Open Spaces & Places

    > Kevin Taylor Reserve & Bowden Village Park
    > Play features & games
    > Public amenities (toilets, BBQs, shelter, seating, bike racks etc)
    > Artwork/sculptures
    > Landscaping, trees & shade
  • Accessibility

    > Moving around the precinct
    > Mobility aids, prams, wheelchairs, scooters etc
    > Accessible parking
  • Safety

    > Personal safety (night/day)
    > Lighting
    > Pedestrian & cycling safety
  • Movement & Transport

    > Public & active transport (bus, tram, train, cycling, walking)
    > Safe streets
    > Pedestrian connectivity
    > Timed parking

Share your feedback!

There are a number of ways you can provide your feedback about the Bowden Village.
  • Come and see us

    Come along to a community drop-in session and speak with the project team and share your ideas.

    Wednesday 4 December 2024
    Bowden Park (in front of Plant 4)
    Drop in anytime between 4pm to 6pm

    We look foward to seeing you