Final Concept Plan

The Urban Design Team has finalised the Concept Plan for the Reserve.

Works on the reserve include:

  1. Construction of new Playspace
  2. Turf and landscaping
  3. Mini Golf
  4. Street and Park furniture
  5. Fencing

Work is anticipated to be undertaken from February 2021 to June 2021 and will be carried out during normal working hours between 7:00am and 4:00pm on weekdays, though some occasional Saturday work may be required.

Consultation Results Review and Report to Asset Management Committee

Thank you to everyone who contributed to our consultation, your feedback is now being reviewed and a report will be presented to the Asset Management Committee on Monday 20 April 2020 detailing the final concept plan for the reserve. The report will be available for viewing after 4:00pm on Thursday 16 April 2020.

Should you wish to make a deputation at the committee meeting please review the deputation request information and form via the link below. The deputation request form will be required to be sumbitted by 10:00am on Monday 20 April, 2020:

Draft Concept Plans and Feedback

Council is now seeking your feedback on the draft concept plan for Birkdale Reserve. Your feedback will assist Council to finalise the concept plan and Council’s consideration of funding in its 2020/21 budget. Key features of draft concept plans are as follows:

  • New play equipment,
  • New irrigation and improved turf;
  • A new shelter and seating;
  • A new footpath; and
  • New fencing and access gates along St Andrews Way and Birkdale Grove

An on-site information session will also be held at Birkdale Reserve, on Tuesday 25 February 2020, from 4.30pm – 6.00pm, where you can discuss your views with council staff. Should the weather be extreme, this session will be held at the West Lakes Library . Please check here on the day for updates regarding any changes to the meeting location.

We have provided an overall reserve concept plan and a playground concept plan for you give us your feedback. The overall plan can be viewed here and the playground concept plan can be viewed here or in the Document Library.

Background Information

Community consultation was undertaken in early 2019 on the proposal to transfer funding for the renewal of the St Andrews Way Reserve playground to Birkdale Reserve, located on the corner of St Andrews Way and Birkdale Grove, approximately 175 metres north of St Andrews Way Reserve.

The proposed upgrade of Birkdale Reserve included a new playground, irrigated turf, fencing, footpath, shelter and seating.A total of 63 responses to the consultation were received, with 47 responses (75% of total responses) indicating support for the proposal. The consultation results, together with a draft concept plan were presented to the Asset Management Committee on 17 June 2019 (Item 3.52), where draft concept plans were endorsed for further community consultation. The existing playground at St Andrews Way Reserve will be retained.

Contact Us

Have questions or want to learn more about this project, contact us below:

Contact Information
Name John Wilkinson - Open Space Planner
Phone 08 8408 1203

Contact Us

Have questions or want to learn more about this project, contact us below:

Contact Information
Name Sue Tripodi
Phone 08 8408 1306