
Annual Business Plan and Budget 2024/25 endorsed

24 July 2024

Thank you for your interest in our Draft Annual Business Plan 2024/25. We received 110 community submissions on our Draft Plan, including 77 submissions received via the Your Say Charles Sturt and 33 written submissions.

Our Annual Business Plan and Budget for 2024/25 was subsequently endorsed by Council on Monday 24 June 2024, with an overall rate increase of 6.25% plus new property growth. This includes a service level increase to fund the tree canopy project to reach 25% by 2040.

Our community is relying on action now to respond to the impacts of climate change and urban heat island effects to ensure our City is a cool and comfortable place for generations to come.

The budget also aligns with our commitment to transforming our city in response to evolving needs and challenges. This includes transitioning to a low-carbon future, managing population growth, and preserving our history and heritage.

In delivering the 24/25 Budget, we acknowledged the volatility of the recent economic climate including increases in the cost of delivery of infrastructure and services has had an influence on the rates increases required for the next financial year.

This investment, along with our selected projects, aims to provide valuable assets and services for our community now and in the future