Annual Business Plan 2021/22

Annual Business Plan 2021-22 now endorsed

Community feedback has now been reviewed and a report prepared for consideration by Council. Links to the Agenda and Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Monday 28 June 2021 is provided below.

Agenda for Council Meeting on Monday 28 June 2021

Minutes for Council Meeting on Monday 28 June 2021


Each year we develop a Draft Annual Business Plan guided by our overall planning framework (Long Term Financial Plan (LTFP)) which sets strategic directions over the medium and long term and converts these into annual actions and outcomes.

In April each year we invite residents, ratepayers and businesses to take a look at our Draft Annual Business Plan and provide feedback on our suggested annual actions and outcomes. Our Draft Annual Business Plan 2021/22 was available for community comment until early May and then submissions were considered by Council's Corporate Services Committee and Council in May and June 2021.

Community Consultation - have your say!

Our Draft Annual Business Plan 2021/22 was available for community consideration and comment until Wednesday 5 May 2021. There were a range of ways community could find out more and have their say:

Online at Your Say Charles Sturt

Our Libraries and Community Centres

  • View our Draft Annual Business Plan at our libraries and community centres.
  • Collect a hardcopy submission form.

Verbal Submissions to Council

  • Make a verbal submission (deputation) at the Council Meeting to be held on Tuesday 27 April 2021 at 7.15pm in the Council Chamber, 72 Woodville Road, Woodville.
  • To find out more about making a verbal submission (deputation) contact Brenda Julian at

Community Drop-in Event

  • Attend our Community Drop-in Event on Monday 3 May 2021, between 4.30pm and 6pm, at the Civic Centre, 72 Woodville Road, Woodville, at which time you will be able to speak informally with key Council staff, The Mayor and Elected Members in attendance.
  • View our Draft Annual Business Plan.
  • Collect a hardcopy submission form.
  • Submit your written submission.


  • Email your written submission addressed to Ms Brenda Julian at and include the subject heading "Written Submission on Draft Annual Business Plan 2021/22" by Wednesday 5 May 2021.


  • Post your written submission addressed to the CEO, City of Charles Sturt, PO Box 1, Woodville SA 5011, Attention Ms Brenda Julian and include the subject heading "Written Submission on Draft Annual Business Plan 2021/22" , to be received by Wednesday 5 May 2021.

If you choose to post your submission to Council we ask that you allow sufficient time for the postal delivery service so that your submission arrives at our Offices by 5pm on Wednesday 5 May 2021.

In Person at our Civic Centre - 72 Woodville Road, Woodville

  • View our Draft Annual Business Plan.
  • Collect a hardcopy submission form.
  • Hand deliver your written submission by 5pm on Wednesday 5 May 2021.

Consultation closed at 5pm on Wednesday 5 May 2021.