From our paths to roads, we aim to promote a sense of place for people and the sharing of streets to meet the needs of the community. We want you to be able to drive, walk and ride safely in your neighbourhood, which is what we consider when managing our assets.
Our transport network objectives include to:
How do we deliver our objectives?
We develop Asset Management Plans which facilitate the delivery in a considered and sustainable way.
Our Transport Asset Management Plan (AMP) aims to establish a service level for our Transport Assets to ensure the overall transport network is in a suitable condition, functions appropriately and has sufficient capacity for existing use and future demand, to minimise risk of incident and injury.
What are Transport Assets?
Transport Assets are all assets that have a primary function of facilitating the movement of people and goods within our City such as:
How do we manage these assets?
We manage our assets at a transport network level, using a Strategic Asset Management (SAM) system. A SAM system helps us in modelling the likely timing of intervention to ensure the service level across the entire network can be managed through a viable funding scenario and assists us in prioritising and integrating transport asset works.
Levels of Service
The Community Level of Service measures how the customer receives the service and whether value to the customer is provided.
Council's current technical level of service is to aim to keep all Transport Assets at a condition 3 (Fair) or better on average throughout the network.
Conditions are determined as per below:
Condition Grading
1 - Very Good (only planned maintenance required)
2 - Good (minor maintenance required plus planned maintenance)
3 - Fair (significant maintenance and or renewal required)
4 - Poor (significant renewal / rehabilitation required)
5 - Very poor (physically unsound and / or beyond rehabilitation)