Bowden – Brompton Mixed Use (Residential and Commercial) Development Plan Amendment (DPA) (Privately Funded)


The City of Charles Sturt proposes changes to the Development Plan. These changes are proposed through the Bowden – Brompton (Residential and Commercial) Development Plan Amendment (DPA).

The focus of the DPA is the existing Urban Employment Zone in Bowden – Brompton (see Affected Area Map). The DPA proposes to include this area within the Urban Core Zone to allow for higher density residential and mixed use development.

Recent investigations by Fyfe Pty Ltd have confirmed that the land is suited to residential infill and can be economically serviced. The investigations considered a range of matters including preferred building heights, transport, stormwater management, other infrastructure and public open space.

Preliminary community engagement occurred as part of these investigations in late 2017 and Council invited community comment on the Draft DPA in 2018.

What are the key elements of the rezoning proposal?

  • Extend the adjacent Urban Core Zone to apply to the land.
  • Introduce a Desired Character Statement.
  • Allow medium to high density residential development ranging from 2 to 5 storeys in different locations.
  • Allow low impact and low intensity non-residential development along Hawker and Chief Streets.
  • Introduce a Concept Plan to guide future development and public infrastructure (eg public open space, stormwater management devices, road improvements).
  • Ensure that the necessary environmental (contamination) investigations accompany development applications for sensitive land uses.
  • Minimise land use conflicts between existing and future development (noting that existing use rights will enable current activities to continue).

How can I view the DPA and make comment?

For information on the DPA:

To lodge a written submission:

  • Lodge a submission online.
  • Post to: 'Draft Bowden - Brompton Mixed Use (Residential and Commercial) DPA - Submission' and address to Chief Executive Officer, City of Charles Sturt, PO Box 1, Woodville SA 5011.

Written submissions must be received by Council no later than 5pm, Friday 28 September 2018.

Community consultation has now closed and written submissions were made available for public inspection.

A public meeting was held on Monday 15 October 2018 at 6pm at the Civic Centre, Woodville Road.

What will happen next?

Council will consider all submissions and may recommend changes to the DPA. A report will then be sent to the Minister for Planning seeking authorisation of the DPA. The Minister has the ability to authorise the DPA, authorise the DPA subject to minor changes, or decline to authorise the DPA.

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