
Council Report Outcomes

1 June 2023

Council have endorsed the following:

1. That Council apply to the Department for Infrastructure and Transport for approval for a 40km/h Area Speed Limit on all local streets in Albert Park, Hendon and Royal Park, and installation be subject to a budget being allocated.

2. That Council apply to the Department for Infrastructure and Transport to extend the existing Henley Precinct 40km/h Area Speed Limit to Marlborough Street, Cudmore Terrace and Henley Beach Road, in line with community support, to provide a clearer boundary. Installation be undertaken using recurrent budgets.

3. That the speed limit in Semaphore Park and West Lakes Shore remain at the default 50km/h at this time.

4. That Council make a joint application to the Department for Infrastructure and Transport with the City of Port Adelaide Enfield, to apply for approval for a 40km/h Area Speed Limit on all local streets in Cheltenham and the streets in Alberton up to and including Brougham Place, subject to a resolution by the City of Port Adelaide Enfield to proceed, as well as an installation budget being allocated.

5. That the City of Charles Sturt write to the City of West Torrens seeking support to commence a joint consultation regarding the introduction of a 40km/h Area Speed Limit on all local streets in West Beach.

6. That, subject to agreement with the City of West Torrens, a joint application be made to the Department for Infrastructure and Transport to apply for approval for a 40km/h Area Speed Limit on all local streets in West Beach and installation be subject to future budgets being allocated by each Council.

Minutes with final resolutions:
Minutes - May 2023 Full Council

Agenda with full report:
Agenda - May 2023 Asset Management Committee