
Consultation Outcomes

3 May 2023

Thank you

We thank you for your participation in the consultation about new proposed 40 Area Speed Limits in the City of Charles Sturt.

A consultation report detailing the results of the feedback and comments are available here.

What happens with the results:

The results will be presented to the Asset Management Committee at their meeting on Monday evening, 15 May 2023, where they will make a resolution about whether or not to proceed further with the new 40 Area Speed Limits. Their resolution will then be considered by the full Council on 22 May and final resolutions will be made.

Should you wish to review the report, the agenda for the Asset Management Committee meeting will be available on our website on the evening of Thursday 11 May: Agendas and minutes | City of Charles Sturt

If you would like to speak to the committee or council in relation to this topic, you can apply for a Deputation Request (note deputations are limited): Deputation request | City of Charles Sturt

Next steps:

If Council decide to proceed with new 40 Area Speed Limits, a technical assessment (including obtaining traffic count data) is required for each area. The results of the consultation and the technical assessment will then be included in an application to the State Government for approval to reduce the speed limit. If approval is granted, signs will be installed to enact the 40 Areas. These next steps are subject to budgets being allocated.

Note about Cheltenham:

The Cheltenham 40 Area Speed Limit is subject to further decisions by the City of Port Adelaide Enfield to include part of Alberton. Cheltenham will not be installed in isolation without the inclusion of the Alberton Streets.